The Breakdown

The Breakdown

This poem first appeared in Boldly Mental, read the original here.

It wasn’t until

Months after my sister broke

down, that she told me


But why hide something

so big behind “I’m good, you?”

It felt like a slap


“You were far away”

(I’m always so far away)

I thought we were close


Or growing closer

Now that 10 years apart is

Not such a lifetime


We’re both grown adults

We were visiting our shared

College town in fall


I graduated

Years before, she was nearly

finished, a few weeks


She didn’t like it;

Not nearly as much as me

Suddenly she said,


“Last spring, this is where

My neighbor called the police.

I had been screaming.”


They admitted her

She was seeing, hearing things

Did a psych eval


Our mom and dad came

I was teaching in Asia

I wasn’t informed


Our family is like

that, full of secrets unsaid

It’s easy to be


blindsided by it

Walking in Appalachia

On a cold fall day


She said she’s better

But that she’s ready to leave

The bubble of school


I didn’t push it

Or even tell her I was

disappointed that


They didn’t want me

to know, or help, or comfort

Completely shut out


What else don’t I know?

Withheld on purpose

Or by omission


Maybe she is fine

But it’s harder to trust them

When they don’t trust you

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 Puerto de La Cruz

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